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Analytics Research and Consulting

Our analytics & research consulting practice offers you global best practices delivered through a team of highly experienced professionals with deep domain expertise. Our unique approach and methodology to addressing your analytics consulting and research needs are guaranteed to deliver:

Time & Cost Efficiency

The 6th Sense team has had exposure to a wide variety of complex analytics problems. This means that there is no time and money wasted by re-inventing or creating models that lead to sub-optimal results.

Global Best Practices

The 6th Sense team has experience in working with a wide variety of technologies, methodologies and regulatory norms. So you can be sure that we will deliver the best of what is possible.

Long Term Assets

The 6th Sense team looks at risk analytics projects from the point of view long term asset creation. Our models are designed to be robust enough to deliver long term results. In addition we empower your team over time to deliver cutting edge analytics insights for the organization.

Our Analytics Services

01. Risk Analytics

Our risk analytics solutions will help you see the unforeseen and thereby mitigate your risks. ​Organizations are seeking to increase “foresight quotient” by clearly defining, understanding, and managing their tolerance for and exposure to risk. Advanced analytics capabilities enable clearer visibility into the challenges associated with managing the many types of risk in such key areas as operations, regulatory compliance, supply chain, finance, ecommerce, and credit. By using analytics to measure, quantify, and predict risk, leaders can validate their intuition and create a consistent methodology steeped in data-driven insights.

02. Marketing Analytics

Marketing analytics comprises the processes and technologies that enable marketers to evaluate the success of their marketing initiatives by measuring performance (e.g., blogging versus social media versus channel communications) using important business metrics, such as ROI, marketing attribution and overall marketing effectiveness. In other words, it tells you how your marketing programs are really performing.

03. Macroeconomic Analytics Research

Our team specializes in making economics relevant to our clients’ line of business so they can make informed decisions that minimize risk and maximize revenues at every stage of the business/economic cycle. Our highly experienced team brings with it best in class macroeconomic research practices that that significantly enhance the success of macroeconomic modeling exercises. Our macroeconomic research is focused on delivering models that can provide critical inputs in diverse analytics interventions like Stress Testing, Portfolio Risk Management and PIT/TTC Calibration among others.